It is my sincere hope that students, professional archaeologists, archaeological researchers and all people fascinated by the potential for satellite remote sensing in archaeology will find this book useful. It is, more than anything else, a product of my thinking back to my graduate student days, and what I wish had existed then to help me get started with my work.
Before I proceed, it is important for me to explain why I have chosen to write this book in the first place. The use of satellite imagery in archaeology is a topic about which I am passionate, having spent eight years developing methods for archaeological site location in different regions of Egypt (Sinai, the Delta, and Nile Valley), teaching remote sensing courses, and (two years ago) starting a remote sensing laboratory.
Author Sarah H. Parcak - Language English - Pages 303 - Publisher Routledge - File Format PDF - ISBN-13: 978-0-203-88146-0 File Size 10.2 MB

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