Environmental Sedimentology By Chris Perry and Kevin Taylor - It will be clearly apparent to students of the earth sciences that a number of environmental issues have gained in importance over the past few years, and that sedimentology has a role to play in informing the debate about their impacts. These issues include recent and future climate change, and a wide range of anthropogenic pressures that influence earth surface systems from a range of physical, chemical and ecological perspectives.
Many sediment systems act as excellent archives of past environmental change, allowing us a window into the recent past, as well as providing tools for monitoring change within active sedimentary environments. These in turn can be used to inform management strategies.
Environmental Sedimentology By Chris Perry and Kevin Taylor
Author Charles A. Sorrell & George F. Sandstrom - Language English - Pages 450 - Publisher William Collins Sons & Co Ltd - File Format PDF - ISBN-13 : 978-1-4051-1515-5 Year 2007 File Size : 8.7 MB

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