Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing with Applications to Petroleum - This book is based at the level of a bachelor's degree in physical science. Experience at Stanford indicates that a one-semester class in engineering systems theory provides helpful additional background. It will be readable to a general science and engineering audience and should be useful to anyone interested in computer modeling and data analysis in physical sciences.
nevitably, the book is strongly flavored by my own research interests which are presently mainly in reflection seismology. However, I have taken an interest in a good many of the data processing problems in general geophysics that have arisen in eight years of teaching graduate students and supervising research. This book is intended to be a textbook rather than a research monograph.
Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing with Applications to Petroleum
Author Jon F. Claerbout - Language English - Pages 276 - Publisher Blackwell Scientific Publications - File Format PDF - ISBN-10 : 0-86542-305-9 Year 1985 File Size : 21.9 MB
Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing with Applications to Petroleum

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