Fundamentals of Well-log Interpretation By O. Serra - The relentless search for elusive hydrocarbon reserves demands that geologists and reservoir engineers bring into play more and more expertise,inventiveness and ingenuity. To obtain new data from the subsurface requires the continual refinement of equipment and techniques.This book describes! the various well-logging equipment at the disposal of geologists and reservoir engineers today. It follows two volumes on carbonates, also published by Elf Aquitaine.
One can never over-emphasize the importance to the geological analysis of basins, and sedimentology in general, of the information which drilling a borehole makes available to us. But this data would be incomplete, even useless, if not complemented bycertain new techniques-well-logging in particularwhich represent a tremendous source of information both about hydrocarbons and the fundamental geology of the rocks.
Fundamentals of Well-log Interpretation By O. Serra
Author Oberto Serra - Language English - Pages 435 - Publisher Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. - File Format PDF - ISBN-10 : 0-444-421 32-7 Year 1984 File Size : 11.8 MB

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