Geological Atlas of Africa 2nd Edition 2008 -
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Geological Atlas of Africa 2nd Edition 2008

Geological Atlas of Africa 2nd Edition 2008 - The last 10 y ears si nce t he i nception o f t he Geological Atlas of Africa Project, I have been fortunate to have had support from many individuals and institutions in several African, European and North American countries. My interest in the compilation of geological overview maps of Africa grew out from the conviction of my late supervisor, Walter G. Kühne, who had taught me t hat basic understanding of the geology of an area or region will never happen without initial observation of the respective available geological map.

It is therefore my hope that by critical evaluation of the here presented maps further scientifc work may be successfully carried out. I am indebted to a great number of individuals for assistance in many areas beyond my own discipline of H istorical G eology a nd Pa laeontology. F inancial su pport w as r eceived f rom DAAD (German Academic E xchange S ervice), na mely M r. C at Etzold, Director of the DAAD Ofce in Nairobi from 2001–2005. My colleagues in the UNESCO Nairobi Office, D r. Pa ul Vi tta, P rof. J oseph Ma ssaquoi, Alice Ochanda, and Dr. Robert Höf (now Toronto).

Geological Atlas of Africa 2nd Edition 2008
Author Thomas Schlüter - Language English - Pages 310 - Publisher Springer - File Format PDF - ISBN-13 : 978-3-540-76373-4 Year 2008 File Size : 8.7 MB

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