Geology of Carbonate Reservoirs By Wayne M.Ahr - This is a book on the geology of hydrocarbon reservoirs in carbonate rocks. Although it is written for petroleum geologists, geophysicists, and engineers, it can be useful as a reference for hydrogeologists and environmental geologists because reservoirs and aquifers differ only in the fluids they contain. Environmental geoscientists interested in contaminant transport or hazardous waste disposal also need to know about porosity (capacity to store) and permeability (capacity to flow) of subsurface formations. The first two chapters focus on definitions and on rock properties that influence fluid movement.
The third chapter focuses on reservoir properties — the interaction between rocks and fluids—and how rock properties influence saturation, wettability, capillarity, capillary pressure, and reservoir “ quality. ” Although carbonate rocks differ in many ways from siliciclastic rocks, the laws of physics that govern fluid movement in terrigenous sandstones also govern fluid behavior in carbonates; therefore many of the principles discussed in this text are applicable to reservoirs and aquifers in any porous and permeable rock.
Geology of Carbonate Reservoirs By Wayne M.Ahr
Author Wayne M. Ahr - Language English - Pages 290 - Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - File Format PDF - ISBN-13 : 978-0-470-16491-4 File Size : 4.7 MB

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