Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting By Milton B.Dobrin -
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Januari 10, 2018

Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting By Milton B.Dobrin

Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting By Milton B.Dobrin - In characterizing the state of exploration geophysics today, I am prompted to refer to the first sentences of the prefaces of the second and third editions of this next. The lead sentences to the second edition reads.

Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting By Milton B.Dobrin
Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting By Milton B.Dobrin
Author Milton B. Dobrin & Carl H. Savit - Language English - Pages 890 - Publisher McGraw-Hill - File Format PDF - ISBN-10 : 0-07-100404-1 Year 1988 File Size : 41.8 MB


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