The Interaction Between Earth's Rotation and Geophysical -
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Januari 10, 2018

The Interaction Between Earth's Rotation and Geophysical

The Interaction Between Earth's Rotation and Geophysical Processes By N.S - The book addresses the nature of the Earth’s rotation instabilities and associated geophysical processes. The spectrum of the Earth’s rotation instabilities that com- prise variations in the length of the day, polar motion, and precession and nutation of the rotation axis in inertial space, includes periods of several hours to thousands of years.

Instabilities of the Earth’s rotation are related to various geophysical processes such as terrestrial, oceanic and atmospheric gravitational and thermal tides;redistribution of air and water masses; variations in the angular momentum of the atmosphere and ocean; air mass exchange between the

The Interaction Between Earth's Rotation and Geophysical

The Interaction Between Earth's Rotation and Geophysical
Author Nikolai S. Sidorenkov - Language English - Pages 317 - Publisher Wiley - File Format PDF - ISBN-13 : 978-3-527-40875-7 Year 2009 File Size : 4.2 MB

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