The Rocks and Minerals of the World By Charles A. Sorrell & George F. Sandstrom - Mineral are the natural crystalline materials that form the earth and make up most of it rocks. Though minerals have been used and metal extracted from them for all of recorded history mineralogy as a science is relatively young. Serious study off mineral began in 1800's, after the development of the petrographic microscope (for studying rocks).
The Rocks and Minerals of the World By Charles A. Sorrell & George F. Sandstrom
The Rocks and Minerals of the World By Charles A. Sorrell & George F. Sandstrom
Author Charles A. Sorrell & George F. Sandstrom - Language English - Pages 227 - Publisher William Collins Sons & Co Ltd - File Format PDF - ISBN 978-10 : 0-00-219682-4 Year 1973 File Size : 28.4 MB

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