Working Guide to Drilling Equipment and Operations By William C. Lyons -
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Januari 06, 2018

Working Guide to Drilling Equipment and Operations By William C. Lyons

Working Guide to Drilling Equipment and Operations By William C. Lyons - Results of research has shown that penetration rate and its response to weight on bit and rotary speed is highly dependent on the hydraulic horsepower reaching the formation at the bit. Because the rilling fluid flow rate sets the system pressure losses and these pressure losses set the hydraulic horsepower cross the bit, it can be concluded that the drilling fluid is as important in determining drilling costs as all other “controllable” variables combined.

Considering these factors, an optimum drilling fluid is  properly formulated so that the flow rate necessary to clean the hole results in the proper hydraulic horsepower to clean the bit for the weight and rotary. speed imposed to give the lowest cost, provided that this combination of variables results in a stable borehole which penetrates the desired target. This definition incorporates and places in perspective the five major functions of a drilling fluid.

Working Guide to Drilling Equipment and Operations By William C. Lyons
Working Guide to Drilling Equipment and Operations By William C. Lyons

Author William C. Lyons - Language English - Pages 615 - Publisher Gulf - File Format PDF - ISBN-13 : 978-1-85617-843-3 Year 1973 File Size : 5.6 MB


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